Work isn’t just about earning a wage to pay your bills and treat yourself occasionally. It’s a route to self-confidence, a sense of purpose and connection with other people and the community. That's why we offer a free employment advice service to all our customers and support local graduates and apprentices.
In 2021-22 we...

…helped secure full-time jobs for 14 customers and part-time jobs for ten customers.

…delivered 336 job skills sessions.

…invested £683k into the graduate and Repairs Academy apprentice programmes
to support 20 active apprentices and five new graduates.

How we helped...
Rebecca started her apprenticeship in the Neighbourhoods team at the age of 26 following a seven-year career within the NHS. The pandemic really shifted her way of thinking about what career she'd like to pursue. Here’s her story.
Futures customer Louise was furloughed due to the pandemic. She worked with our employability assistant Sylvia to build her confidence and secure an exciting new opportunity.
If you are a Futures customer, you can get support from our Employment team for free. Request a call back here.